Put yourself in Peter's place for a moment. Jesus is inviting you to go on the adventure of your life. But at the same time, you're scared to death. What would you choose - the water or the boat?
The boat is safe, secure, and comfortable.
On the other hand, the water is rough. The waves are high. The wind is strong. There's a storm out there. And if you get out of the boat - whatever your boat might happen to be - there's a good chance you might sink.
"If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat."
I believe there is something - Someone - inside us who tells us there is more to life than sitting in the boat. You were made for something more than merely avoiding failure. There is something inside you that wants to walk on water - to leave the comfort of routine existence and abandon yourself to the high adventure of following God.
What is your boat? Your boat is whatever represents safety and security to you apart from God himself. Your boat is whatever you are tempted to put your trust in, especially when life gets a little stormy. Your boat is whatever keeps you so comfortable that you don't want to give it up even if it's keeping you from joining Jesus on the waves. Your boat is whatever pulls you away from the high adventure of extreme discipleship.
Want to know what is your boat? Your fear will tell you. Just ask yourself this: WHAT IS IT THE MOST PRODUCES FEAR IN ME - ESPECIALLY WHEN I THINK OF LEAVING IT BEHIND AND STEPPING OUT IN FAITH?
What is your boat? In what area of your life are you shrinking back from fully and courageously trusting God? Fear will tell you what your boat is. Leaving it may be the hardest thing you ever do.
" But if you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat."
--- from the book: